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Sportsmanship & Guidelines

The Pinewood Derby is a parent-son project. Please feel free to give guidance and minimal assistance to your Scout as he builds his Pinewood Derby car. This is a chance for your son to be part of a team (he and you), and to enjoy the spirit of friendly competition with his peers. Also for your Cub Scout to enjoy the satisfaction of building his own car from the kit provided. 

A special note to all parents and scouts: Together, please read the following article on sportsmanship... 

While everyone will be trying to win, it's always a good idea to start out by remembering the Cub Scout Motto, "Do Your Best," and some of the basic ideas behind good sportsmanship.  Two things the Pinewood Derby requires each 
participant to learn are 1) the craft skills necessary to build a car, and 2) the rules that must be followed. Even more important, though, is how we 
act and behave while participating in the Pinewood Derby or any other group activity. This is called sportsmanship.  

The first thing to remember about sportsmanship is that everyone's skills are  a little different. You may be good at something like singing or drawing, but 
not as good at something else like basketball or computers. Parents have different skill levels, too. This doesn't mean that you are a good person one time and not good another time. You can always be a good person, whether or not you have good car-building skills. Remember, you and your friends are individuals first and racers second. This idea is often called having respect for others. 
The second thing to remember is to follow the  rules. Without rules, there would be  no Pinewood Derby. You will never know if you are really good at doing something unless you follow the rules. This is often called being honest. 
The third thing to remember about good sportsmanship is that there are winners and losers in every competition. You accept this when you choose to compete. There may be times when you win and feel happy, and times when you lose and feel unhappy. Being a winner is easy, and losing is sometimes hard. If you win, you must not brag or gloat. If you lose, you must not feel jealous or bitter. 
To be a good sportsman, you must be able to say "I did my best" and be satisfied with the results. You must also be able to appreciate and feel happy for someone else when they run a good race or build a neat car.

The Pinewood Derby Creed


I will live clean and race hard. I will race for the love of the game. I will win without boasting, lose without excuses, and never quit. I will respect officials and accept their decisions without question. I will never forget that I represent myself, my family, and my den.


I will inspire in the scouts a love for the race and a desire to win. I will teach them that it is better to lose fairly then to win unfairly. I will lead scouts and spectators to respect officials by setting a good example. I will try to be the type of person that scouts want to become.


We will never boo a scout, leader, or official. We will appreciate a good race no matter who makes it. We know the team gets the blame or praise for their conduct, not just the individuals.


I know the rules. I will be fair and firm in all decisions. I will call them as I see them yet not be afraid to correct my own mistakes. I will treat scouts and leaders courteously and expect the same treatment in return. I know the game is for the scouts, and will let them have the spotlight.

Pinewood Derby Designs

Here are some links to designs for making your Pinewood Derby Car.  Check them out to help get your ideas.

Car Outline Cutting Guides

BSA Car Designer. You can print out your design

I will get the rules up as soon as I am able to locate a copy of them.

Pinewood Derby Supply List

Here is a list of supplies that will be needed for the building of your pinewood Derby car.  Please make sure that you have these supplies when you come to build your car:

  • Pinewood Derby Car
    • Kits and pre-cut cars are ok, as long as the car is not built by someone else
    • Also must have BSA on the wheels and use nail style axels
  • Wheels (If not using the ones in the kit)
  • Weights
  • Sandpaper
    • Multi-grit pack for sanding
    • 600 grit for polishing axels and wet sanding
  • Spray primer
  • Paint
  • Decals and stickers
  • Dry Graphite
There is also a list that you can print off and take with you.

Icon File Name Comment  
Pinewood Derby Shopping List.pdf